Last updated: April 2024.

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Rezolv makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided is complete, accurate, reliable, available, and up-to-date. Despite these efforts, inaccuracies may occur. Should you identify any, we request that you contact us. Rezolv will make every effort to correct inaccuracies or unavailability of information on the website as quickly as possible.

Rezolv may update and/or supplement the content of the website regularly. Consequently, the content of the website (including hyperlinks) is subject to change and may be altered, modified, or supplemented at any time without notice. Rezolv provides the content of the website "as is", without any guarantees or warranties regarding the proper functioning of the website, its accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise. Rezolv cannot be held liable in any way for poor performance or temporary (in)availability of the website or for any form of damage, direct or indirect, arising from access to or use of the website.

Rezolv cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable to anyone, directly or indirectly, specially or otherwise, for damage resulting from the use of this website or another, especially due to links or hyperlinks, including, but not limited to, any loss, disruption, damage to programs or other data on the computer system, equipment, software, or other of the user.

The website may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites or pages or refer indirectly to them. Placing links to these websites or pages does not imply any implicit approval of their content. Rezolv explicitly states that it has no control over the content or other features of these websites and cannot be held liable for the content or features thereof or for any other form of damage resulting from their use.

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Unauthorised or improper use of the website or its content may constitute an infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights, data protection regulations, publications, and/or communication in the broadest sense. You declare and warrant that your access to and use of the website and any information you may upload in any form to the website complies with applicable laws and regulations and does not infringe on any intellectual, industrial, or other rights of third parties. You agree to indemnify and hold us and our licensors harmless from any damage, legal or other measures, judgments, and all other possible costs arising from your access to and use of the website and your submission of information, images, texts, hyperlinks, or intellectual or industrial property works and for all claims from third parties arising therefrom or related thereto.

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Belgian law applies to (the use of) this website. In the event of a dispute concerning (the use of) the website or the associated services, only the courts of Antwerp, Hasselt division, are competent, unless you are a consumer within the meaning of Article I.1, 2° of the Economic Law Code, in which case the courts of your place of residence shall have jurisdiction.